As we all know, diversification is only wisdom! As they say, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. Why? because if something happens to that one basket, you will lose all your eggs. We at Platinum Trading Solutions, and as a registered Commodity Trading Adviser (CTA) with the CFTC, have and always will recommend being diversified into more than one system. It is just plain SMART!
For example, if you are in 3 systems, one could be losing in a weeks’ time, and the other two systems winning. Or in a months’ time, two could be losing, and one winning. The end result is the potential reduction of risk on the total trading capital being split into 3 systems, meaning that the drawdown percentage is reduced. In fact, we believe the more you are diversified, the better off you are.
Good investors know this in life, most successful multi-Millionaires own property, are invested into stocks, futures and or commodities, trading (ATS), and or (HFT), and also own a business or businesses. This is the reason why we educate our clients to be diversified into more than one system. We understand Risk and Reward, and that past performance may not be necessarily indicative of future results. So, we have found that the best way to combat risk is diversification into more than one system. In this Diversification, we can and also use what we call our “Migration Technique”, meaning that sometimes a system can have a great track record, even for years, but market conditions can change, and the system may not do as well. We don’t let our clients sit in a losing system, we simple migrate clients to other systems if needed, and by being diversified into more than one system, this makes our “Migration Technique” possible with a lower drawn down percentage, which further helps in reducing risk as to create a smoother yield for the investor over time.
So in conclusion, we not only provide System (ATS), but we educate, guide, council, and take action for our clients in how to be diversified. Until Platinum Trading Solutions, Accredited investors, Hedge Funds, Institutions and Banks where the only ones who had a chance at obtaining access with the proper guidance in the world of Automatic Trading Software (ATS). The fact is that the fees and sometimes even hidden fees for this type of provision and services can run into the 10’s of thousands, and even into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. That’s why the common Investor have had, if no chance, barely any chance of getting into the Automated Trading System (ATS) game, at least correctly.
At Platinum Trading Solutions we are able to provide this service with access to these systems at dramatically lower fees to our clients, there are no hidden fees, and we care for each and every client on a one-on-one basis. That’s how we have become the leader, and the only Company/Firm, and CTA to date providing this type of service as the longest standing Firm in the Industry. We know and go by one thing, “THE CLIENT COMES FIRST”! Click on our 5 STARS RAGING & see what our clients have to say!
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