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    Gemini is a very successful automated trading system. It is comprised of a combination of a total of 4 systems; It has 2 front systems, the first which trades the E-mini S&P 500, and the second system trading the E-mini NASDAQ. Within each of these 2 Front Systems are two more systems working independently of one another called COUNTER TREND SYSTEMS. The first part of the two counter trend systems will either set up for a Breakout or Range style trade and the second part will go Breakout only. This allows Gemini to take the opposite side (like unto hedging) of the trade in the day to either cover a trade that may go against the system and or to take advantage of the Volatility in markets riding it up and down in the day with its ability to go LONG AND SHORT in these 2 indexes trading e-mini FUTURE contracts. Gemini and its 4 systems respond exceedingly well with market volatility. In fact the greater the price swings are in the day the greater the return can be. Gemini can also do well in choppy Non-Trending market conditions as well. Gemini is 100% AUTOMATED, every trade is executed by computer generated or electronic signals. The obvious advantage is that it cuts the Fear, Greed and Emotion out of trading. Another MAJOR advantage is its ability to execute trades and monitor trades to a ”FRACTION of a SECOND”. This ability gives it one of the most Dynamic Risk Management ability that a person could only hope to have working for them in their portfolio. To have Gemini, is to have a perfect hedging machine against the fall of the markets, and in these times if you don’t, it could be very costly for your Portfolio. Gemini is solely based on intra-day market fundamentals with price and profit targets using stops. This system picks its trades through a “Smart” algorithm computation that allows it to wait for the intra-day trade to develop. In this conservative trading method, Gemini does not just “jump” into the market, it waits until all conditions must be met with its built in indicators in order for a particular trade to be executed. Gemini is truly a SMART AUTOMATED TRADING SYSTEM, with a LIVE track record that is beyond most!

    See Our – Top Trading Systems Performance Ranking